Rosacea - Top Pharmacy


Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that affects the face and it is commonly found in women. Rosacea is characterised by red blotches on the cheeks and face as well as a burning or stinging sensation when using water or skincare products. Other symptoms include dry skin, swelling around the cheeks and eyes, sore eyelids or crusts around roots of eyelashes and thickened skin, mainly on the nose; this usually appears after many years. Please fill out the form below so that our clinicians can determine if the treatment will be suitable for you to take.

To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.


Presently Pregnant
Presently Breastfeeding
Planning on getting pregnant
Neither Pregnant nor Breastfeeding

Transmale (Born a female)
Transfemale (Born a male)

It just started
A couple of months
At least a year
Several years.

Redness that doesn't go away
Blood vessels that can be seen
Papules are tiny lumps on the skin (small red bumps)
Pustules are a type of pustule (pus-filled swellings)
Skin that has thickened