Thrush - Top Pharmacy


Thrush is a common yeast infection that affects women. This infection is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans. This yeast lives naturally in the bowel and in small numbers in the vagina and although it is harmless, it can cause discomfort and unease. Most women will experience vaginal thrush in their lifetime. Please fill out the form below so that our clinicians can determine if the treatment will be suitable for you to take.

To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.


Irritation around the vaginal opening
Irritation under the foreskin or tip of th penis
Strange vaginal discharge from the cervix
Unpleasant discharge from the foreskin of the penis
Urinating causes stinging
Redness aroung the vaginal area.

At least 72 hours
A week
A month
More than a month

Transmale (Born a female)
Transfemale (Born a male)

Presently Pregnant
Presently Breastfeeding
Planning on getting pregnant
Neither Pregnant nor Breastfeeding